Contact Us
Phone: 502-485-3650
Hours: 8:00AM – 4:30PM
Being the Coordinator of Homeless Education has been one the most rewarding experiences in my professional life. Every day, I know that I will meet someone who will either touch my heart, make me smile, or give me something to reflect upon. It is such an honor for me to work together with families and empower them during one of the most difficult times of their lives. My main role in the district is to: ensure that homeless students are identified by schools, personnel, and other agencies; ensure that homeless students enroll in schools and have a full and equal opportunity to succeed in school; ensure that homeless students receive educational services for which they are eligible; ensure that homeless students and their guardians are informed of education rights; ensure that the district is compliant with the McKinney-Vento Law; and, most importantly, ensure that homeless students have access to school stability and continuity.
Access and Opportunity Office
Jefferson County Public Schools
Lam Building
4309 Bishop Lane Rm 104
Louisville, KY 40218